A D J U S T  Y O U R  S A I L
C O U N S E L L I N G  &  P S Y C H O T H E R A P Y   


 E  F  F  E  C T  I  V E   
T  H  E  R  A  P  Y  
is the one that works for you

Creative therapy includes techniques that can be used for self-expression and personal growth in addition to or if the traditional "talk therapy" approach has begun limiting your expression or has even become ineffective. Individuals that benefit from this resource include children, and often individuals who are unable to speak due to stroke or dementia. Also, it is a very useful tool for  people who are dealing with clinical issues that are hidden within the subconscious, beyond the reach of language. The latter often occurs when the focus is on trauma or abuse which may have occurred early in life, before the person was able to speak, or in families where there is a strict code against talking about feelings or "negative" things. Creating a language of emotions for the person who has struggled to use one and understand it is a very likely outcome of therapy that enriches life in ways unknown and unfelt before the therapeutic intervention.

Movement is well known to aid emotional expression. Walk and talk therapy does exactly that. Walking can help to ground you and that in itself is good. It does not suit everyone, as many people prefer the safe and familiar environment of the counselling space. But if you feel constrained by the indoors, or if you find it easier to focus on the pressing issues whilst walking through the greenery, then walking and talking is a great option. I'm happy for you to set the pace of the walk – if you want to meander along and have a relaxing walk that is fine, but equally we can set a quicker pace if that’s what you may feel comfortable with. The options are yours to explore.

Talking therapy refers to one to one work between you and the therapist. It can be short or long term and it may or may not include working with past traumas, childhood memories, attachment issues, family dynamics as tools to fully understand what kind of narrative you have been a part of in order to help work out any long standing issues that may be blocking you from achieving your full potential in the here and now.  
Creative therapies and movement can aid this journey for you but whether these are taken up or not will always be your individual decision.

CBT is a therapeutic technique founded on the principle that our thinking- cognition, how we feel- emotion and what we do- behaviour, are closely connected and by looking at the interaction between them, noticing patterns in our daily life and recognising how these affect quality of life, we can begin to challenge persistent rumination that is causing us anxiety, worry and stress. 
By encouraging mindful presence and awareness as well as showing you practical strategies and building real take-away skills tailored to each individual, the therapist is at all times helping you build resilience and self efficacy, enabling you to eventually become your own skilled practitioner, an expert of your own life.




Contact divankovic4@gmail.com

for more information

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